
Introducing the Tive Solo 2G™ Single-Use Supply Chain Tracker

February 25, 2019

April 29, 2024


x min read

[Ed. Note: While Tive still offers the Solo 2G™ tracker in specific regions, this product has been succeeded by the vastly more powerful Solo 5G™ tracker, which comes in lithium and non-lithium variants and connects to cellular networks via 5G/4G/3G with fallback to 2G.]

Tive is excited to announce the release of our newest product: the Tive Solo 2G™. The Solo 2G is a low-cost single-use tracker which provides real-time visibility across the supply chain while eliminating reverse logistics challenges. 

For manufacturers and shippers who rely on Tive to maintain end-to-end visibility into their in-transit goods, the Solo 2G is a great solution to reduce hassles associated with return logistics. The Tive Solo 2G measures temperature every fifteen minutes, reports that data together with the shipment location every hour, and offers a dependable 30-day battery life.

This newly developed single-use tracker never has to be returned, so it's perfect for last-mile deliveries to destinations where collecting and returning trackers would be difficult. In addition to reducing operational complexity and reverse logistics with single-use trackers, Tive is committed to sustainability, offering a rebate program that encourages and rewards the return of single-use trackers to Tive for recycling. 

Tive Solo with Dimensions

Introducing the Tive Solo 2G: Tive launches an affordable, single-use supply chain tracker.

“With our new Tive Solo 2G tracker, we have significantly lowered costs and eliminated the complex return logistics associated with many tracking solutions,” said Tive CEO and Founder Krenar Komoni. “As Tive continues to grow our product offerings and simplify implementation, we are committed to ensuring a smooth, seamless supply chain visibility experience for our customers.”

If you're interested in learning more, request a trial with Tive and get started with the Tive Solo 2G right away.

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